ERDDAP Data Subset Form
ERDDAP's version of the OPeNDAP .html web page for this dataset. Specify a subset of the dataset and download the data via OPeNDAP or in many different file types.
Il n'y a encore aucune visualisation créée pour cette ressource
Informations additionnelles
Champ | Valeur |
Format | ERDDAP |
Licence | OGL-NS-2.0 |
Created source | il y a 7 mois |
Description translated | {'en': "ERDDAP's version of the OPeNDAP .html web page for this dataset. Specify a subset of the dataset and download the data via OPeNDAP or in many different file types."} |
Id | 2df798bf-e5cd-41a0-a291-c10b2f9fca5c |
Metadata modified source | il y a 7 mois |
Mimetype | text/html |
Name translated | {'en': 'ERDDAP Data Subset Form'} |
Package id | 6c904783-6fa1-464c-83eb-a103f6a71b71 |
Position | 1 |
Resource locator protocol | WWW:LINK |
State | active |