Ice Forecasts for the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Ocean forecasts for the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence are produced by the Operational Oceanography scientific team of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maurice Lamontagne... -
Community-Based Monitoring in Saint John Harbour
These data were generated as part of ACAP Saint John's Harbour Baseline Monitoring Program, collected from Port Saint John, New Brunswick. The dataset includes physico-chemical... -
Characterizing Harbour Seal Populations in Saint John Harbour (2018-2022)
The data consists of observations of seals at 6 different haulout sites along the Saint John Harbour. Locations include: Shag Rocks, Musquash Ledges, Sea Dog Cove, Round Reef,... -
Surface Water Temperature Forecasts for the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Ocean forecasts for the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence are produced by the Operational Oceanography scientific team of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maurice Lamontagne... -
Use of the COI Marker for the Development of an Approach for Characterizing C...
Species characterization by environmental DNA (eDNA) is a method that allows the use of DNA released into the environment by organisms from various sources (secretions, faeces,... -
Characterization of the Batture-aux-Alouettes Kelp Bed, Baie-Sainte-Catherine...
This project aims to characterize the kelp bed of the Batture-aux-Alouettes, a preferred food source for the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) which is fished... -
Surface Water Temperature by Satellite Remote Sensing
The Maurice Lamontagne Institute remote sensing laboratory operates three satellite image receiving stations (Mont-Joli, Victoria and Resolute Bay) allowing the acquisition of... -
Dinoflagellate Communities in the Ports of Churchill (MB), Deception Bay (QC)...
The data were collected during two research projects: Development of community-based monitoring for aquatic invasive species in the Canadian Arctic - preparing for increased... -
Mapping and Ground-Truthing Fishermen’s Knowledge of Surface Currents in the ...
The Fundy North Fishermen's Association Ocean Protection Plan Project dataset includes historical oil spill data with parameters such as date, location, spill quantity, tanker... -
Microplastics in surface water samples from Placentia Bay, Newfoundland (2018...
This data was collected between 2018 and 2019 at 7 sites around Placentia Bay. Two of these sites were subject to repeat sampling. Surface water samples were collected in... -
Utilizing Benthic Video Footage for Detecting Large Debris on the Seafloor in...
This data was collected in 2019 at three locations in Placentia Bay by another research group at Memorial University, as a part of the Coastal Environmental Baseline Program... -
Long-term Monitoring of Shoreline Debris in the Placentia Bay Area, Newfoundl...
This data was collected between 2018 and 2020 at 8 sample sites around Placentia Bay and consists of two data types: (1) Shoreline surface debris (SSD), and (2) Shoreline buried... -
Occurrence of Pacific Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena vomerina) Social Co...
For cetaceans that produce narrow-band high-frequency click trains such as the Pacific harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena vomerinae), social acoustic behavior is poorly... -
Microplastic Abundance in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland (2021)
Microplastics are plastic particles ranging from 1 µm to 5 mm. We studied the microplastic concentration in surface waters as well as the sediment of Placentia Bay,... -
Chlorophyll-a and Salinity Concentrations Derived from Satellite Images for t...
"New version" This dataset presents the result of a model developed to retrieve chlorophyll-a (chla) and salinity concentrations from various satellites in the St. Lawrence... -
The Grande Baie Salt Marsh - Biotic and Abiotic Characterization for Data Acq...
The purpose of this project is to generate ecological reference data to draw a global portrait of the state of coastal marshes in the Côte-Nord sector of Quebec, as part of the... -
Classification of benthic substrates using supervised and unsupervised machin...
The aim of this project is to generate benthic substrate classification datasets using a supervised machine learning model (trained with field truth data) and an unsupervised... -
The Brochu River Salt Marsh (Gallix) - Characterization of Important Coastal ...
The purpose of this project is to generate ecological reference data to draw a global portrait of the state of coastal marshes in the Côte-Nord sector of Quebec, as part of the... -
Physico-Chemical (CTD) and Biogeochemical Data From the Saguenay Fjord and th...
The overarching objective of the Hypoxia 2021 — C2021-06 cruise is to provide a new and informed assessment of the relationship between the reactivity of natural organic matter... -
Characterization of Near-Shore Marine Vegetative Habitat Throughout Fortune B...
Data collection began in 2023, on targeted components of coastal ecosystems throughout Fortune Bay, Connaigre Bay and Bay d'Espoir to develop a baseline dataset characterizing...